Major Payne

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Сообщения, опубликованные Major Payne

  1. вс (5).png

    These shirts were brought from the nameless village in the mountains. Local children found some skin in the cave, that perhaps, Valakas shed for about a thousand years ago. It was sparkling and shining despite the intervening years. From the skin came the powerful fire magic and an old craftsman made out from it shirts for the heroes in order to protect Elmoraden. It is rumored that dragon’s skin, extracted without violence, has special characteristics, that can significantly help in battles. Try on the shirt from the winged raptor and find it out yourself.

    A time-limited promotion starts in our L2Store (Core) today, and you'll have the opportunity to get a lot of useful items, including items for modification and improvement of brand new Dragon Skin Shirts. Also among the new products – a High-grade Maphr's Rune 300% which increases the Adena amount dropped by 300%!Do not miss your chance to get rare items from the promo chests and to become the owner of a unique Dragon Skin Shirt which will help in hunting and PVP!


    Below are the products that will be available only during the promotion: from November 17 to 30.


    Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate:




    And this item will be available in the L2Store for an indefinite period of time.


    Dragon's Gold Keys obtained from the Dragon Enchantment Packs can be exchanged for a valuable rewards at Dimensional Merchant in any town!


    Note: the old items in the Dimensional Merchant's sales list are no longer available. Learn more about these change in this thread.You'll be able to exchange Dragon's Gold Keys even after the promotion is over.

    And here are the descriptions of Dragon Elemental Potions you can get from Dimensional Merchant:

    In the list of Dimensional Merchant's products you may have noticed a Dragon Leather Bundle. Open it to obtain the items needed to for Dragin Skin Shirts upgrade and many other useful awards!


    Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate:



    Here are the descriptions of brand new Dragon Skin Shirts:



  2. вс (1).png
    The merchants and artisans of the Red Libra had to hit the road a long time ago, but life presents surprises and not always good ones.
    The fact is that all 28 buffaloes of the squad got sick and lost all their strength. Only you, dear friends, can save this situation and in gratitude you will receive excellent prizes.

    Event time

    • The event will take place from 16 to 29 November 2018: there will appear all necessary NPC on the Fantasy Isle and in the cities;
    • On November 29 all NPC-guests will leave the Fantasy Isle and part of items will be removed (Participant Card, Coin (Event), Summon Scroll: Piero, Elysium Animal Cure and chests with gifts);
    • On December 30 will be removed all unopened packages and capsules with equipment.

    Event Market

    Immediately after the maintenance, the big fair will take place on the Fantasy Isle. There you'll find a variety of vendors that offer you their exclusive products. I propose to examine each of the traders right now.

    Event Manager Miss Five

    Miss Five will tell you the details of the event with a great pleasure, you can find her in all main cities. Moreover, she will help you to move straight to the fair, give a participant card and a special daily buff.

    To take part in the event you need to get a membership card. Only one character on your account can get it, choose wisely because you can't get a card twice. Your character must be 90 level or above.

    Once you receive the membership card, you'll be able to take a buff from Miss Five, which will speed up your leveling. The effect consists of two levels, it rises to the second level automatically after the expiration of the first level.

    • Effect of the 11th event (level 1): experience and SP bonus + 11% for 1 hour. When the effect ends the character will receive an event coin. Attention! Coins cannot be obtained if a character is dead or inventory is full. 
    • Effect of the 11th event (level 2):  experience and SP bonus +11% for 2 hours.

    Miss Five will also give you 10 event coins, as soon as the first level of the buff ends - you'll get another 10 coins. This Coin (Event) is the main currency at the Event Market. You can use this coins to buy different goods at the fair.

    Tyke Rewards Manager

    Rewards Manager Tyke does not imagine her life without holidays and fun. Every day is an adventure for her and she offers you all for the entertainment.


    Tyke has only two goods for sale: Summon Scroll: Piero and Elysium Animal Cure. First is needed to summon the fair maskot Piero to play a mini-game 'Win Against Piero'.


    The second item is required to help Elysium Animals and take part in a group raid.



    • In this game wins the one who will throw a number higher than that of the enemy. To play you simply need to click twice on the Summon Scroll: Piero.
    • After clicking on a scroll the clown Piero appears and a random number is automatically displaying above his head. Next, a random number will be displayed above your head, who got the bigger number is the winner.
    • Moreover, you have the opportunity to win a jackpot. It requires you to have the number 6, while Beep has 5. This is a rare luck but with great rewards.

    Gift chest from Piero:




    Gift chest from Piero (Jackpot):




    Group game

    Group raid takes place twice a day in Giran Harbor. To participate in a play you need a Elysium Animals Cure which you can purchase from Tyke. An Exhausted Buffalo appears daily at 14:00 and 22:00. It has a lot of HP and your goal is to use Elysium Animals Cure on a Buffalo. Each time you use a medicine, a random number from 1 to 6 will appear over your character’s head.


    Each use of a medicine inflicts fixed damage and moreover, a Buffalo is immune to other types of attacks. It appears only for 1 hour and after this, a Buffalo disappears. If players failed to cure Buffalo, then no one will get rewards. Once Buffalo's HP is over an animal becomes fully cured. All players can receive rewards regardless of their contribution to the animal treatment - you have 10 minutes for this.


    All players receive a replenishment of the 1 Energy degree of their character. And the winner, who will make the greatest contribution to pet treatment, got the largest amount of 'cure', receives a super prize. Each day has its own super prize:




    Of course, you can get a super prize twice a day.

    Outfit Merchant Gourde

    Gourde offers very rare items that were found and have been collected throughout Elmoreden.

    Anyone can rent great armor and weapons for 30 days. Equipment is sold in packages, which contain items enchanted to +6 with a bestowed special ability.

    Moreover, you have a small chance to get a permanent weapon from a weapon capsule pack, but without a special ability and an enchantment.


    Attention: all unopened boxes will disappear at the end of the event.

    Beauty Merchant Pritty

    Beauty Merchant Pritty is a trendy girl with a unique sense of style and fashion. She brought three unique appearance stones, for those who care about their own look.

    Grocer Supree

    The youngest participant of the fair is a Supree. She has earned her place at the fair thanks to the incredible persistence and hard work. Now she offers for all guests different supply, for example, Blessed Teleports and Soulshots (R-grade).

    Good luck!

  3. вс (6).png

    В День Всех Святых грань между миром живых и миром духов истончается. Пользуясь такой прекрасной возможностью в Эльмораден пробралось ожившее пугало по имени Рико! Несмотря на жутковатую внешностью - это миролюбивое создание, которое любит сладости и, подобно детям в Хэллоуинскую ночь, выпрашивает их у каждого встречного. Угостите Рико конфетами и получите страшно интересный подарок!

    Время проведения



    29.10.2018 - 12.11.2018

    Основной период

    Пугало Джека Рико прибудет в Эльморадень, чтобы провести ивент в честь Хэллоуина.




    Завершение ивента

    Пугало Джека Рико покинет Эльмораден, и следующие ивентовые предметы будут удалены:

    • Светильник Джека
    • Конфета Хеллоуина
    • Подарок на Хеллоуин
      (не открытая коробка)

    Все остальные награды, полученные в ходе ивента, останутся на сервере.

    1. Знакомство с Пугалом Джека Рико
    Сразу после профилактики в мире Эльморадена появится Пугало Джека Рико, который проведёт ивент в честь Хэллоуина.


    Найти Рико будет нетрудно. Его можно встретить неподалёку от Хранителя Портала. Используйте команду /target Рико для облегчения поиска.

    2. Положительный эффект Рико
    Чтобы получить уникальный положительный эффект, обратитесь к Рико и получите особый предмет Светильник Джека. Предмет доступен только один раз одному персонажу на аккаунте (20 уровня и выше). Берите предмет сразу нужным персонажем на аккаунте!


    Он необходим, чтобы получить положительный эффект Рико. Без светильника вы не сможете получить бафф!
    Со светильником в инвентаре снова обратитесь к Рико и получите положительный эффект. Его можно получить 1 раз в день только персонажем 20 уровня и выше. Повторное получение возможно с 6:30 утра следующего дня.


    * Внимание: если персонаж мертв в момент обновления уровня эффекта, то следующий уровень эффекта не будет получен.
    ** Если персонаж мертв в момент окончания 3-го уровня эффекта - персонаж не получит Подарок на Хэллоуин.
    Эффект имеет всего 3 уровня: по окончании 1-го уровня автоматически накладывается 2-й, а по окончании 2-го – 3-й.
    1-й и 2-й уровни длятся 1 час, 3-й уровень – 2 часа. Как только 3-й уровень эффекта заканчивается, персонаж получает в свой инвентарь Подарок на Хэллоуин.


    * Внимание: в инвентаре персонажа должна быть хотя бы одна свободная ячейка, иначе подарок не будет получен.
    При открытии подарка вы получите один случайный предмет из списка ниже:


    Если вам повезет, с определенным шансом из подарка вы получите Конфету Хэллоуина.


    Этот предмет можно использовать для покупки костюмов и декоративных аксессуаров в стиле Хэллоуина в ивентовой лавке Рико.


    Конфеты можно передавать. Обменивайтесь ими с друзьями и членами клана, чтобы накопить достаточное количество конфет для покупки дорогих предметов!

    Костюм для Хэллоуина

      Скрыть содержимое








    Оружие для Хэллоуина (когда действует эффект Благословение Хэллоуина)

      Скрыть содержимое













    Браслет Печати Агатиона - Одноглазые Летучие Мыши

      Скрыть содержимое


    Браслет Королевы Муравьев

      Скрыть содержимое


    • Лайк 2

  4. Testing Classic 2.0Antharas (5).png

    Дорогие друзья, 29.10.2018 в 01:00 пройдет технический рестарт сервера Midgard x3. Время работ - 1 час.

    Запущен ивент на Хэллоуин "Сладость или шалость?", подробности в данной теме.

    Начиная с 29 октября по 5 ноября на весь ассортимент игрового магазина действует скидка 10%, более того, на этот же срок полностью отсутствует ограничение на количество запускаемых окон.

  5. Maintenance.png

    Dear friends, we are continuing to work on improving the server, correcting the shortcomings you told as about. On 02.09.2018 at 02:00 Moscow time (+3 UTC) will be maintenance of the game servers Helheim х10 and Midgard x3. It will take about 1 hour.
    There will be fixed following options on the server Helheim x10:

    • Making of Talisman - Abundance (High-grade)
    • Exchange of Stones for La Vie En Rose's Gemstone Powder at NPC Shadai

  6. Testing Classic 2.0Antharas (5).png

    Дорогие друзья, 02.10.2018 в 02:00 пройдет технический рестарт серверов Helheim х10 и Midgard x3. Время работ - 1 час.
    Во время рестарта на сервере Helheim х10 будет исправлено:

    • Изготовление Талисманов Изобилия Высокого Качества
    • Обмен камней на Порошок из Драгоценного Камня у NPC Шадай
    • Лайк 1

  7. 2 часа назад, JinErso сказал:

    1. Последнее время мне кажется что цифра онлайна на официальном сайте сервера тупо "зависла" на отметке 3582 и не отображает реальный онлайн, более того она вообще не меняется))

    2. Скажите, какое будущее есть у сервера с точки зрения администрации?

    3. Планируется ли открытие нового сервера х3 и его последующие слияние с первым сервером?


    2. Что Вы конкретно подразумеваете под словом "будущие"? Если Вы про нашу взаимосвязь с комьюнити, то в будущем Вас будут ожидать интересные конкурсы и ивенты.
    3. Нет, пока нет в планах анонсировать открытие нового сервера.

  8. 12.png

    Dear friends, on September 14, 2018 at 20:30 (+3 UTC) the server Midgard x3 will be updated to the latest version called The Seven Signs. In this update you will be able to explore new catacombs and necropolises, as well as meet two special raid bosses, the Lords of the Seven Seals - Lilith and Anakim.

    New challenges and opportunities await:

    • You will be able to master a completely new System of Attributes that is not similar to anything you have seen before and develop your Elemental Spirit, which will strengthen your attacking and defensive characteristics in hunting and in PvP!
    • Goddard city is introduced alongside with several hunting zones for characters level 78 and higher: the good old Varka, Ketra, Hot Springs, the Garden of Beasts, and of course, unique natural locations where you can level your Elemental Spirits!
    • Elemental Kings and Queens are already waiting for you in their lairs and ready to fight! Mighty creatures are incredibly strong, and even the most prepared group of players will have tough time defeating them!
    • Plunge into new Catacombs of Dark of Omens and Disciple’s Necropolis to challenge the bosses of the Seven Signs - Anakim and Lilith! A truly valuable reward will be awaiting for you - special Anakim and Lilith Runes, worthy of only the most experienced players!
    • Move further to destroy new Raid Bosses lvl 80! Do not forget about new "Balthus Knights - Zaken" instance zone, where you can obtain a large amount of experience and try your luck in Damaged Zaken`s Earring modification attempts!
    • Annihilate New Raid bosses level 80! Do not forget about the new time zone “Balthus Knights - Zaken”, where you can obtain a lot of experience and try your luck in the modification of the Damaged Zaken Earring!
    • Learn new skills and adapt to the changes of the existing ones! Many limitations in the use of skills have been weakened or abolished.
    • Complete new daily tasks, hunting in new and already familiar locations!

    Update details:

    Anakim and Lilith

    • Anakim and Lilith are world bosses. It means that they can be challenged only by a command channel, which has won a standoff for them.
    • If one of the Bosses gets killed before, the other one becomes invincible for five minutes.
    • Recommended number of raid participants - 10 groups and more.
    • Residences of Anakim and Lilith can be entered anytime even without a group or command channel. The only condition is level 76 and above.
    • NPC Gatekeeper Spirit appears in the residences for 10 minutes after raids are completed. It can be used to leave a dungeon. Raid participants will be teleported to the entrance of Catacomb of Dark Omens (Anakim) and entrance of the Disciple`s Necropolis (Lilith).
    • Characters can not be summoned to the residences of Anakim and Lilith. Location for free tp is also not saved in these zones.
    • Anakim and Lilith do not go berserk as usual Raid Bosses and do not use “Limit Barrier” skill.
    • In case of death in raid zone, characters lose exp and items in the same way as in regular zones.

    Instance zones: Balthus Knights - Zaken has been added.

    • Balthus Knights - Zaken instance zone can be entered via NPC Paulia , who can be found on Devil's Isle.
    • Characters do no lose exp and items in case of death in instance zone.
    • Simplified version of Zaken do not drop any rewards. Raid participants have to obtain it from NPC Rash.
    • Reward in form of Exp and SP is not provided.
    • High-grade XP Scroll Ticket can be exchanged on XP Scroll: 100,000,000 via Rash in Balthus Knights - Antharas and Baium instance zones, and via Senior Appraiser Leo.
    • "Death to Pirate King!" quest can not be finished in the Balthus Knights - Zaken instance zone!

    New hunting zones of the Seven Signs have been added.

    • Catacomb of Dark Omens has been added at the outskirts of the Dark Elf Village.
    • The Disciple's Necropolis has been added at the outskirts of the Town of Aden.

  9. 03be7199dab8de52d0affdde7978.png

    Dear friends, we are continuing to work on improving the server, correcting the shortcomings you told as about. On 14.09.2018 at 01:00 Moscow time (+3 UTC) will be maintenance of the game server Helheim x10. It will take about an hour.

    During the restart will be fixed:

    • Purchase of talismans from the Merchant of Mammon
    • Purchase of Brilliant Brooch from the Merchant of Mammon

    Also will be fixed exchange of:

    • Spirit Stone for La Vie En Rose's Brooch from the Shadai
    • Fish Stew from the Fishermens
    • Shiny Gold from the Dimensional Merchant
    • Pumpkin Fragments from the Dimensional Merchant