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    Нельзя сменить класс на другой с помощью предмета из магазина за 250 рублей "Эссенция Хаоса". В данном случае Инквизитор Фео на Повелитель Бури Фео.

    Администрация примите меры


  2. 12 часа назад, Advocad сказал:

    Hi buddy, to be honest, I don't really know how to do it. I've just recorded it in game and it turned out to be 13GB so I have used an .avi encoder to reduce the size. I'm sure there is loads of software out there and a lot of players use it to "fraps" but since i'm not a regular frapser, I can't really be bothered to go into more detail with it. 



    For video recording we used the software to capture video "bandicam", took a video of about 1GB and 25 minutes of time . The program is very simple for the average user. Video processing and rendering "Premiere Pro".

  3. 4 часа назад, Advocad сказал:

    Hi guys, I've opened 1000 tarots live. If you were ever wondering if it's worth investing in Tarot, here is your answer. I have previously opened several batched of 500 without any spectacular result. sorry about the silent video, I can't find the patience to start rendering and editing. This is for information purposes only.




    You have a good drop with Tarot cards. Two-handed Axe Tauti, pvp\pve stones, talismans, pve weapon. Lucky you

    P.S Kinky, make video in good quality