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Найдено: 101 результат

  1. Rafael GC

    Жара на Адене

    Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 30.06.2022 в Магазине L появится новый товар: Категория Товар Цена Длительность Ивенты и акции Огненный Сундук Адена (Временно) 100 30 июня — 13 июля (2 недели) Огненный Сундук Адена При открытии коробки, вы получите один из следующих предметов: Обмен у Игрового Помощника Раздел: Ивенты и акции; Длительность: 30 июня — 20 июля (3 недели). Особое Создание Длительность создания: 30 июня — 20 июля (3 недели); Значком отмечены предметы, получение которых сопровождается оповещением на весь мир. Удаление предметов Следующие предметы будут удалены в указанные дни: Удаляемые предметы Дата удаления Огненный Сундук Адена (Временно) 20 июля Сверкающий Сундук с Аксессуаром (Временно) Запечатано 20 июля Фрагмент Аксессуара Босса (Временно) Запечатано 20 июля
  2. Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 01.05.2022 в Магазине L появится новый товар: Категория Товар Цена Длительность Ивенты и акции Сверкающий Сундук Гирана (Временно) 100 1 мая — 7 мая (1 неделя) Сверкающий Сундук Гирана (Временно) Переходите по ссылкам в названиях предметов, чтобы увидеть их описание. Обмен у Игрового Помощника Раздел: Ивенты и акции Длительность: 1 мая — 14 мая (2 недели) Удаление предметов Следующие предметы будут удалены в указанные дни: Предмет Дата удаления Сверкающий Сундук Гирана (Временно) 14 мая 2022
  3. Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 10.05.2022 в Магазине L появится новый товар: Категория Товар Цена Длительность Ивенты и акции Сундук с Сокровищами Орфена (Временно) 100 10 Мая — 16 Мая (1 неделя) Коробка с Сокровищами Орфена При открытии сундука, вы 100% получите Свиток Берсерка (1 шт.) и Благословение Сайхи (1 шт.), а также один из следующих предметов: Обратите внимание: Свиток Берсерка из этой акции является не таким же, как из акции "Сокровища гирана". Свитки из прошлой акции не могут принимать участия в обмене. Обмен у Игрового Помощника Раздел: Ивенты и акции; Длительность: 10 мая — 23 мая (2 недели). Особое создание Длительность создания: 10 Мая — 23 Мая (2 недели); Максимальное количество попыток создания: 100 за клик; Переходите по ссылкам в названиях предметов, чтобы увидеть их описание. Удаление Предметов Предмет Дата удаления Сундук с Сокровищами Орфена (Временно) 23.05.2022 Упаковка: Кукла Королева Муравьев (Временно) 7 д. 23.05.2022 Упаковка: Кукла Орфен (Временно) 7 д. 23.05.2022
  4. Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 27.05.2022 в Магазине L появится новый товар: Категория Товар Цена Длительность Ивенты и акции Легендарный Сундук Гирана (Временно) 100 27 мая — 5 июня (10 дней) Легендарный Сундук Гирана (Временно) При открытии коробки, вы получите один из следующих предметов: Обмен у Игрового Помощника Раздел: Ивенты и акции Длительность: 27 мая — 9 июня (2 недели) Удаление предметов Следующие предметы будут удалены в указанные дни: Предмет Дата удаления Легендарный Сундук Гирана (Временно) 9 июня 2022
  5. Купон Смены Класса 6 июля, после профилактических работ, в игровом магазине появится новый предмет, и будет в продаже вплоть до 6 августа: Предмет Количество Ограничения Цена Купон Смены Класса 1 3 на аккаунт 250 руб. Лаборатория Дополнительных Услуг После получения купона вам необходимо обратиться к Джуния, который находится в Адене у главного фонтана. Чтобы Джуния мог вас телепортировать в лабораторию, снимите с персонажа абсолютно всю экипировку и освободите инвентарь. Вам понадобится не менее 30 свободных ячеек. После телепортации в лаборатории вы сможете найти NPC Хермин, которая поможет вам сменить класс на любой желаемый. Потери от смены класса Хермин расскажет вам все условия смены класса, а именно: Все выученные умения будут сброшены. После смены класса вы можете обратиться к Джуния, он вернет вам книги за некоторые трех-четырех звездные книги; Все распределенные очки характеристик будут сброшены; Бонусы за ранг в рейтинге обнулятся; Очки Олимпиады и ранг сбросятся; Все положительные эффекты и заклинания удалятся. Полный список умений, за которые вы получите запечатанные книги доступен под спойлером. Процесс смены класса Если вы готовы, то сообщите об этом Хермину. Он предложит вам выбрать новую расу, класс и пол. После подтверждения выбора вы будете отключены от сервера. После перезахода в правом нижнем углу вам будет предложено выбрать новую профессию в новом классе. Нажимайте иконку и получите первую, вторую и третью профессию. Также, вы получите некоторые дополнительные предметы в зависимости от уровня вашего персонажа. Предмет Количество 86 ур 87 ур 88 ур 89 ур 90 ур Купон Увеличения Лимита Веса Славы Запечатано 1 + Книга Заклинаний - Оседлать Славу Победителя Запечатано 1 + + Купон Расширения Инвентаря Славы Запечатано 1 + + + Книга Заклинаний - Оседлать Сверкающую Леди Запечатано 1 + + + + Книга Заклинаний - Способность Славного Воина Ур. 1 Запечатано 1 + + + + + Удаление предметов Предмет Дата удаления Купон Смены Класса 6 августа
  6. Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 12.07.2022 в Магазине L появится новый предмет: Категория Товар Цена Длительность Ивенты и акции Сундук Тайн Гирана (Временно) 100 12 июля — 21 июля (10 дней) Сундук Тайн Гирана Из этого сундука вы получите один из следующих предметов: Удаление предметов Предмет Дата удаления Сундук Тайн Гирана (Временно) 25.07.2022 Удачного открытия!
  7. Rafael GC

    Smuggler's Supplies

    Promotion details After maintenance on December 29, new items will appear in the Einhasad's Store, on the Gludio server: Item Quantity Price Greedy Mammon's Chest 1 160 Scroll: Enchant Freya's Staff Event 1 3 Special Scroll: Enchant Mammon's Weapon Event 1 200 Mammon's Magic Staff Event 1 3 Items will be available in the store until January 11th. Greedy Mammon's Chest From the chest you will receive one of the following items: Enchanting Staff You need the Mammon's Magic Staff, you can buy it from the Mammon's Relic Collector for 50 million Adena, or in the Einhasad's Store. For enchanting, you will also need special Enchant Scrolls. You can purchase them in the Einhasad's Store. The Mammon's Relic Collector, which you can find next to the Game Assistant, will exchange your enhanced staff for new prizes. Rewards for Enchanting Staff Mammon will give you a reward for Staffs enchanted from +7 to +23 inclusive. A table of possible prizes is provided below: New items description Smuggler's Scrolls Box From the chest you will receive one of the following items: Low grade Mammon's chest From the chest you will receive one of the following items: Common Grade Mammon's Chest From the chest you will receive one of the following items: High Grade Mammon's Chest From the chest you will receive one of the following items: Top Grade Mammon's Chest From the chest you will receive one of the following items: Items deletion The following items will be removed on the dates indicated: Item Deletion date Greedy Mammon's Chest January 18 2023 Scroll: Enchant Freya's Staff Event January 18 2023 Special Scroll: Enchant Mammon's Weapon Event January 18 2023 Mammon's Magic Staff Event January 18 2023 Smuggler's Scrolls Box January 18 2023 Low grade Mammon's chest January 18 2023 Common Grade Mammon's Chest January 18 2023 High Grade Mammon's Chest January 18 2023 Top Grade Mammon's Chest January 18 2023
  8. Rafael GC

    Superior Supplies

    L-Coin Store Dear friends, after the maintenance on 13.01.2023, a new product will appear in the L-Coin Store: Category Product Price Sales Period Events and Offers Ultimate Supply Chest (Time-limited) 100 January 13 — January 27 (2 weeks) Ultimate Supply Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: New item description: Item Description Superior Energy Sealed Use this item to create Ultimate Scrolls Chest Using this item in Special Craft, you can obtain Ultimate Scrolls Chest (1 per account). If you are lucky enough to get more than one energy, you can exchange it for various valuable items via Game Assistant. Game Assistant Exchange Category: Events and Offers Duration: January 13 — February 2 (3 weeks) Items deletion The following items will be removed on the dates indicated: Item Deletion date Ultimate Supply Chest (Time-limited) Sealed February 3 2023 Superior Energy Sealed February 3 2023 Ultimate Scrolls Chest February 3 2023 Special Scroll: Enchant Cloak of Protection (Time-limited) Sealed February 3 2023 Special Scroll: Enchant Circlet of Hero (Time-limited) Sealed February 3 2023 Special Scroll: Enchant Dragon Belt (Time-limited) Sealed February 3 2023
  9. Rafael GC

    Giran Treasures

    L-Coin Store Dear friends, after the maintenance on 25.02.2023, a new product will appear in the L-Coin Store: Category Product Price Sales Period Events and Offers Giran Treasure Chest (Time-limited) 100 February 25 — March 10 (2 weeks) Giran Treasure Chest When opening the box, you will receive Giran Seal (2 pcs.) with 100% chance and one of the following items Game Assistant Exchange Category: Events and Offers Duration: February 25 — March 17 (3 weeks) Items deletion The following items will be removed on the dates indicated: Item Deletion date Giran Treasure Chest (Time-limited) Sealed March 17 2023
  10. Rafael GC

    Equal exchange

    Event details After maintenance on 06.09.2021 in Einhasad's Store will appear Barter Package, from which you can get useful items and coins for exchange with the Game Assistant! Category Product Price Sales Period Einhasad's Store Barter Package Einhasad's Golden Coinх320 September 6 - September 20 (2 weeks) Barter Package When opening the box, you will receive Barter Coin Chest with 100% chance and one of the following items: Barter Coin Chest When opening the box, you will receive from 1 to 5000 Barter Coin's Coin exchange with Game Assistant – Barter Coins can be exchanged with the Game Assistant for epic accessories, items for improvement, artifact chests and much more! – Exchange period: September 6 — September 27. – Exchange rate: 100%. Deletion of items The following promotional items will be removed on the specified days. Use them before the end of the promotion! Item Deletion Date Barter Package September 27 2021 Barter Coin Chest September 27 2021 Barter Coin September 27 2021 All other items obtained during the promotion will remain with the players. Good Luck!
  11. Yanessa

    Shiny Gold Pouch

    While all the doors are tightly closed and there is no one on the streets, each player has his own interesting occupation and there is no time to sit idle. To make your adventures more exciting and unforgettable, we decided to add Gold Pouches to the Game Store. Why these items? Because from them you can get everything you want and check your luck again! Promotion period The promotion will start on 16.04.2020 and end on 24.04.2020. While the promotion, Shiny Gold Pouch will be on sale in the Game Store. After the end of the offer time, all purchased items (Shiny Gold Pouches, Shining Gold Bar Boxes and items obtained from them) will remain with the players. Also, there will be available an exchange of the Gold Bars for valuable items with Dimensional Merchant: Scroll: Enchant Angel Accessory x1 Vitality Maintaining Rune (30-day) x1 Vitality Beer x1 Scroll: Enchant R-grade Weapon x1 Scroll: Enchant R-grade Armor x2 Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: R-grade Weapon x1 Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: R-grade Armor x1 High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: R-grade Weapon x1 High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: R-grade Armor x1 School Uniform A Appearance Stone x1 School Uniform B Appearance Stone x1 Appearance Stone: White Assassin Suit x1 Appearance Stone: Dark Assassin Suit x1 Promotion description With the start of the promotion, you will find the Shiny Gold Pouch in the game store, which has the following description: You have a 100% chance to get a Shining Gold Bar Box, but main reward drop from a Shiny Gold Pouch with a certain chance. Check the list below to know all the possible rewards: Shining Gold Bar Boxes are a great opportunity to obtain valuable rewards at the NPC Dimensional Merchant in any town. Note, that there are two exchange options: exchange of the new items - only for promotion period; permanent exchange of the old items. Do not forget, that Vitality Maintaining Rune is sold unpacked, the item timer starts ticking immediately after item was purchased from NPC. Mammon's Talismans Meet the Mammon's Talisman Boxes: they can be exchanged, dropped, sold and cannot be shared within an account. Also, NPC Dimensional Merchant have the exchange of Vitality Beer for a Honey Vitality Beer. Vitality Beer can be obtained for a Shiny Gold Bar + 100,000 adena. The exchange will be available even after the promotion is over. Honey Vitality Beer Honey Vitality Beer has the following features: Good luck!
  12. Mark Twain

    Handful of Shiny Coins

    Brilliant news! A group of treasure hunters found old mines with gnome caskets. Opening the caskets, found the old coins. They were so brilliant.. Coins have spread all over Elmoraden and now in every city there is a trader who wants to get hold of these coins. Have a few in your hands? Contact the Game Assistant and receive valuable rewards in exchange for coins. L2 Store Unique Shiny Coin sets will appear in the L2 Store, the coins can be exchanged for special boxes! Click on items to open l2central and see their properties and limitations. Category Product Price Limit Sales Period Item Deletion Specials Shiny Coin – 400 pcs. 25 RUB Unlimited 15.08 – 05.09 September 5, 2020 Specials Shiny Coin – 4000 pcs. 225 RUB Unlimited 15.08 – 05.09 September 5, 2020 All the rest items obtained during the promotion will persist after the promotion is over. Coin Exchange Shiny Coins can be exchanged with the Game Assistant for special boxes. You can get rare items and useful consumables with a certain chance from the boxes. Exchange option is avaiable until September 5, 2020. Exchange rate is 100%. Item Cost Lucky Jewelry Box Shiny Coin – 100 шт. Skill Mastery Pack Shiny Coin – 140 шт. Dragon Weapon Upgrade Pack Shiny Coin – 220 шт. Crystal Pack Shiny Coin – 140 шт. Supply Pack Shiny Coin – 20 шт. Treasure Chest Shiny Coin – 800 шт. Contents of Boxes To see the content of promotional chests click on the spoilers. Follow the links to see the properties and restrictions of items. When opening the boxes, you can get one of the specified items with a certain chance. Lucky Jewelry Box Lv. 1 Lucky Jewelry Box Lv. 2 Lucky Jewelry Box Lv. 3 Lucky Jewelry Box Lv. 4 Dragon Weapon Upgrade Pack Crystal Pack Skill Mastery Pack Treasure Chest Supply Pack Good Luck!
  13. Rafael GC

    Freya's Fortune

    There is snow and frost outside the window and in the world of Elmoraden it is warm and holiday. After all, the queen of winter has come to us, Freya! Now everyone can purchase her magic Freya's Lucky Sticks, which are filled with her winter magic. Event details – After maintenance on 18.02.2021 in L2 Store will appear Freya's Fortune Stick 2021, from which you can get useful items. – All items obtained during the promotion will stay in characters inventories. Category Product Price Limit Sales Period Specials Freya's Fortune Stick 2021 22 RUB. Unlimited February 18 – March 11 (3 weeks) – When opening Freya's Fortune Stick 2021, you will receive Glittering Freya's Ice Rose (2 pcs.), Glittering Freya's Scroll of Storm (6 pcs.) with 100% chance and one of Freya's Chests with certain chance. – The stick is a basic box that contains two items that are obtained with a 100% chance, as well as a random chest with a reward. In this case, the reward chest may not drop at all. Freya's Chests There are 3 types of Freya's chests, all of which contain valuable items. Freya's Growth Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: Freya's Dragon Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: Freya's Treasure Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: Good luck!
  14. Rafael GC

    GameCoast Treasurus

    Dear friends, today we present to your attention a new promotion: "GameCoast Treasures". Also note that this event is experimental in nature, during the event, changes and various fixes may be made, which we will inform you about in this thread. Promotion duration: from June 14 till June 28. During maintenance at the promotion end's, all Fortune Boxes and Crystals will be removed. 2 items have been added to the assortment of the Game Assistant: «GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 1» and «Fortune Box Upgrade Crystal», cost – 150,000,000 adena each. Using Fortune Box Upgrade Crystal, you can try your luck and try to upgrade the Fortune Box to the next level. There are 5 levels of boxes available, with each successful enhance the drop list will get better and better. The necessary items for enhancement are as follows: To get the GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 2 you will need GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 1 and the Fortune Box Upgrade Crystal (1 pc); To get the GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 3 you will need GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 2 and the Fortune Box Upgrade Crystal (2 pc); To get the GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 4 you will need GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 3 and the Fortune Box Upgrade Crystal (3 pc); To get the GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 5 you will need GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 4 and the Fortune Box Upgrade Crystal (3 pc). Boxes are exchanged with certain chance, if the exchange fails, you keep your original box and lose the Upgrade Crystal. GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 1 GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 2 GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 3 GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 4 GameCoast Fortune Box Lv. 5
  15. Mark Twain

    Dragon Slayer

    Promotion details After maintenance on 28.09.2021 in Einhasad's Store will appear Mythical Dragon Pack, from which you can get valuable rewards Category Product Price Sales Period Einhasad's Store Dragon's Relic (1 pc.) х160 September 28 - October 12 (2 weeks) Dragon's Relic When opening the box, you will receive Scroll: Enchant Mysterious Weapon with 100% chance and one of the following items: *Dragon's Relic is tradable item. Mysterious Dragon Slayer Enchanting Contact the Luna NPC on the event pedestal and purchase the event sword: Mysterious Dragon Slayer for 100 000 000 Adena. Open the Einhasad's Store menu and buy a Dragon's Relic, from which you will get a Scroll: Enchant Mysterious Weapon (5 pcs.) with a 100% chance. Enchant the Mysterious Dragon Slayer sword to +7 and higher, equip it, and talk to the Luna NPC on the event pedestal to get your reward! Mysterious Dragon Slayer – can be purchased from NPC Luna on the event pedestal – Safe enchantment up to +3, maximum up to +25, however, rewards above +23 will be given as for enchant +23. – Stones and modification tickets do not work with the event sword. – The sword must be equipped when receiving the enchant reward. – If the enchanting fails, the sword disappears, crystals are not issued. Enchanting Event Sword Rewards – There are no rewards for the enchant values between +1 and +6. – Click on the links in the item names to see their descriptions. Deletion of items – The following promotional items will be removed on the specified days. – Hurry up to use them before the end of the promotion! Item Deletion Date Dragon's Relic October 19, 2021 Scroll: Enchant Mysterious Dragon Slayer October 19, 2021 Mysterious Dragon Slayer October 19, 2021 Good Luck!
  16. Rafael GC

    New class - new life

    Class Change Coupon After maintenance on February 7, a new item will appear in the L2 Store and will be on sale until March 7: Item Quantity Limit Price Class Change Coupon 1 3 pcs. per account 250 rub. Additional Services Lab After receiving the coupon, you need to contact NPC Juni, who is located in Aden at the main fountain. In order for Juni to teleport you to the laboratory, remove absolutely all equipment from the character and free the inventory. You will need at least 30 free slots. After teleporting to the laboratory, you can find the NPC Hermin, who will help you change the class to whatever you want. Class change losses Hermin will tell you all the conditions for changing the class, namely: All learned skills will be reset. After changing class, you can contact Juni, he will return the books to you for some three or four star books; All distributed stat points will be reset; Bonuses for rank in the rating will be reset; Olympiad points and rank will be reset; All buffs will be removed. The full list of skills for which you will receive sealed books is available under the spoiler. Class change process If you're ready, then let Hermin know. He will prompt you to choose a new race, class and gender. After confirming your choice, you will be disconnected from the server. After re login, in the lower right corner you will be asked to select a new profession in the new class. Click the icon and get the first, second and third profession. Also, you will get some additional items, depending on your character's level. Item Amount 86 lvl. 87 lvl. 88 lvl. 89 lvl. 90 lvl. Weight Limit Ticket of Glory Sealed 1 + Spellbook: Mount Glory of Champion Sealed 1 + + Inventory Expansion Ticket of Glory Sealed 1 + + + Spellbook: Mount Shining Lady Sealed 1 + + + + Spellbook: Glorious Warrior's Ability Lv. 1 Sealed 1 + + + + + Items deletion Item Deletion date Class Change Coupon March 7
  17. Rafael GC

    All on Defense

    L-Coin Store On March 20, after maintenance, a new item will appear in the L-Coin Store, and will be on sale until April 3: Item Quantity Price Protection Treasure Chest (Time-limited) Sealed 1 100 Protection Treasure Chest When opening the box, you will receive Giran Seal (2 pc.) with 100% chance and one of the following items We have increased the chances of getting valuable items and reduced the chances of receiving consumables. Giran Seal Exchange Category: Events and Offers Duration: March 20 — April 10 (3 weeks) During the promotion, you can exchange the received Giran Seals for the following items: Special Craft Crafting period: March 20 — April 10(3 weeks); The icon indicates items that are received with a worldwide notification. Exchange Boss' Accessory Fragments Items deletion Item Deletion date Protection Treasure Chest (Time-limited) Sealed April 10 Sparkling Accessory Pack (Time-limited) Sealed April 10 Boss' Accessory Fragment (Time-limited) Sealed April 10 Good Luck!
  18. Rafael GC

    Shiny Treasures

    L-Coin Store Dear friends, after the maintenance on 01.05.2022, a new product will appear in the L-Coin Store: Category Product Price Sales Period Events and Offers Shiny Giran's Chest (Time-limited) 100 May 1 — May 7 (1 week) Shiny Giran's Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: Game Assistant Exchange Category: Events and Offers Duration: May 1 — May 14 (2 weeks) Items deletion The following items will be removed on the dates indicated: Name Deletion date Shiny Giran's Chest (Time-limited) May 14 2022
  19. Rafael GC

    Aden's Supplies

    L-Coin Store Dear friends, after the maintenance on 08.06.2022, a new products will appear in the L-Coin Store: Category Product Price Sales Period Events and Offers Aden's Supply Chest (Time-limited) 100 June 8 — June 21 (2 weeks) Aden's Supply Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: Game Assistant Exchange Category: Events and Offers Duration: June 8 — June 28 (3 weeks) Items deletion The following items will be removed on the dates indicated: Name Deletion date Aden's Supply Chest (Time-limited) June 28 2022
  20. Rafael GC

    Gludio Treasures

    Promotion details The promotion will last from July 19 to August 2; All items received during the promotion will not be deleted after the promotion ends; Click on the links in the item names to see their descriptions. Category Product Price Sales Period Einhasad's Store Gludio Treasure Chest (1 pc.) 160 July 19 - August 2 (2 weeks) Gludio Treasure Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: Good Luck!
  21. Rafael GC

    Golden Festival

    Description Dear friends, after the maintenance on 05.09.2022, the "Festival" button will appear on the right side of the screen, which opens access to the promotion menu. In this menu, you can purchase Ultimate Aden Treasure Chest, one by one or in bulk: Item Amount Price Ultimate Aden Treasure Chest 1 100 Ultimate Aden Treasure Chest 100 9000 The event will last 3 weeks. From September 5 till September 18, players will be able to buy chests and increase their personal rating, for which you can get additional rewards. From September 18 till September 25, players will no longer be able to buy chests and increase their ranking, ranking leaders who are in the top 150 can collect special ranking rewards. Ultimate Aden Treasure Chest When opening the box, you will receive one of the following items: Bonus Rewards For the purchase of boxes, you will receive points. Depending on your number of points, you can receive various rewards: Bonus rewards can be collected via a special button in the promotion menu: You can also get a rare Steampunk Transformation Spellbook: Item Description Spellbook: Steampunk Changes the armor appearance to that of Steampunk Outfit, when used. <Transformation effect> P. Atk. +2% M. Atk. +2% P. Def. +2% M. Def. +2% Max HP +5% Max MP +5% Speed +4 P. Accuracy +1 M. Accuracy +1 M. Critical Rate +10 Atk. Spd. +3% Duration: 20 min. <Item consumption> Spirit Ore (20 pcs.) Cannot be used by Kamaels and Death Knights. You can exchange Festival Coins with the game assistant for various items. Game Assistant Exchange Category: Events and Offers; Duration: September 5 — September 25 (3 weeks). Рейтинг Points are awarded for the purchase of chests. The 150 players with the most points at the end of the chest sale will be able to receive additional rewards. The higher you are in the ranking, the more valuable the reward will be: New items description: Item Description Knowledge Coin Contact technical support to exchange this coin for one of the 4* books Ultimate Scrolls Chest When opening the box, you will randomly receive stable scroll to enchant a circlet, belt, or cloak. Ultimate Talisman Box +7 When opening the box, you will randomly receive talisman of eva, speed or authority enchented +7 Ultimate Weapon Box +7 When opening the box, you will randomly receive top grade weapon +7 Ultimate Armor Box +7 When opening the box, you will randomly receive special armor part, enchanted +7 Gift for clan members Some members of the clan, whose representative took from 1 to 3 places in the ranking, can receive a special gift in honor of the victory of their clan mate. The gift is given based on the position held in the clan. The Festival Gift Box is given to five Rank 1 clan members, three Rank 2 clan members, and two Rank 3 clan members. The gift will be sent via mail. It is necessary that the clan members are logged in when the ranking leaders claim their personal reward. The leaders of the ranking themselves do not receive a Clan's Festival Gift Box. Festival Gift Box When opening the box, you will receive the following items: Items deletion The following items will be removed on the dates indicated: Item Deletion date Ultimate Aden Treasure Chest September 25 Festival Coin September 25 Festival Gift Box September 25 Knowledge Coin September 25 Ultimate Scrolls Chest September 25 Black Coupon September 25 Special Scroll: Enchant Cloak of Protection (Time-limited) Sealed September 25 Special Scroll: Enchant Circlet of Hero (Time-limited) Sealed September 25 Special Scroll: Enchant Dragon Belt (Time-limited) Sealed September 25
  22. Rafael GC

    Equal exchange

    Event details After maintenance on 05.04.2021 in L2 Store will appear Barter Package, from which you can get useful items and coins for exchange with the Game Assistant! Category Product Price Limit Sales Period Specials Barter Package (1 pc.) 20 RUB. Unlimited April 05 – April 19 (2 weeks) Barter Package When opening the box, you will receive Barter Coin Chest with 100% chance and one of the following items: Barter Coin Chest When opening the box, you will receive from 1 to 5000 Barter Coin's Coin exchange with Game Assistant – Barter Coins can be exchanged with the Game Assistant for epic accessories, items for improvement, artifact chests and much more! – Exchange period: April 05 — June 03 – Exchange rate: 100%. Deletion of items The following promotional items will be removed on the specified days. Use them before the end of the promotion! Deletion Type Item Name Deletion Date Items Barter Package June 03 2021 Barter Coin Chest June 03 2021 Barter Coin June 03 2021 All other items obtained during the promotion will remain with the players. Good Luck!
  23. Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 10.05.2022 в Магазине L появится новый предмет: Предмет Количество Цена Сундук с Благословением Адена 1 100 Акционные предметы будут доступны в магазине вплоть до 23.05.2022. Сундук с Благословением Адена Из этого сундука вы получите один из следующих предметов: Удаление предметов Предмет Дата удаления Сундук с Благословением Адена 30.05.2022 Удачного открытия!
  24. Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 25.02.2023 в Магазине L появится новый товар: Категория Товар Цена Длительность Ивенты и акции Сундук с Сокровищами Гирана (Временно) 100 25 февраля — 10 марта (2 недели) Сундук с Сокровищами Гирана При открытии сундука, вы 100% получите Печать Гирана (2 шт.), а также один из следующих предметов: Обмен у Игрового Помощника Раздел: Ивенты и акции Длительность: 25 февраля — 17 марта (3 недели) Удаление предметов Следующие предметы будут удалены в указанные дни: Удаляемые предметы Дата удаления Сундук с Сокровищами Гирана (Временно) Запечатано 17 марта 2023
  25. Rafael GC

    Сокровища Героя

    Магазин L Дорогие друзья, после рестарта 12.04.2023 в Магазине L появится новый товар: Категория Товар Цена Ограничение Длительность Ивенты и акции Сундук с Сокровищами Героя (Временно) 100 Без ограничений 12 апреля — 25 апреля (2 недели) Сундук с Сокровищами Героя При открытии коробки, вы получите один из следующих предметов: На время проведения акции, Венец Героя будет иметь увеличенный шанс заточки: Обмен у Игрового Помощника Раздел: Ивенты и акции Длительность: 12 апреля — 2 мая (3 недели) Удаление предметов Следующие предметы будут удалены в указанные дни: Удаляемые предметы Дата удаления Сундук с Сокровищами Героя (Временно) Запечатано 2 мая